Ihr gewähltes Angebot: Sprachausbildung von A0 zu B2 Help

Neue Sprachenschule Annaberg International teaches German as a Foreign Language. In addition there are subjects like Geography, History, German, English, Sports and Music. The first foreign language at the Gymnasium is English, as a second foreign language Spanish and French are offered. After one year in Annaberg, B2-C1 language tests will certify the level of competence reached by the student. These tests are official examinations according to the European Reference Framework for Languages and are accepted worldwide.

Who is eligible?

Those who have finished their mandatory schooling in their native country, usually ages 15-17. Applicants need a student visa from a German Consulate.

You are a beginner with little to no knowledge of the German language prior to starting the course. In this course you start with elementary knowledge on sentence structure and building up your vocabulary knowledge, to be able to communicate in a limited manner in everyday situations.  In the following 880 course hours you will learn the German language up to the level of B2. You will then have the skills to understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics as well as produce clear, detailed texts on a wide range of subjects. You will be able to speak and interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers no problem for you.

Every Level (A1, A2, B1, B2) finishes with a language exam according to the European Reference Framework for Languages.


Als Interessent unverbindlich registrieren:

Mit registrieren wird ein Passwort auf die angegebene Mail-Adresse gesendet (72 Stunden gültig; danach ggf. erneut registrieren).
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dem Organisations- und Verwaltungssystem der ASG - Anerkannten Schulgesellschaft mbH anmelden, um

  • mehr Infos zum Angebot zu erhalten
  • mit dem zuständigen Mitarbeiter der ASG zu chatten und ggf.
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Name des Interessenten:


Neue Sprachenschule Annaberg International
Bahnhofstraße 1
09456 Annaberg-Buchholz

03733 5590101 info@neue-sprachenschule-annaberg.de

Rechtsträger: ASG - Anerkannte Schulgesellschaft mbH


Hier erhalten Sie Hilfe.